How Does Pickleball Scoring Work? Beginners Complete Guide

How Does Pickleball Scoring Work?
How Does Pickleball Scoring Work?

In the exciting world of pickleball, understanding the scoring system is as vital as mastering the art of the game itself. Whether you’re a seasoned pickleball enthusiast or a curious beginner, this comprehensive guide will unravel the intricacies of how pickleball scoring works, ensuring you’re not left scratching your head on the court.

Pickleball Necessities:

Two Pickleball Paddles + Three Pickleballs + 1 Court Bag

How does Pickleball Scoring work?

If you’re seeking a concise summary, here are the fundamental essentials you should understand about pickleball scoring:

  • The game usually concludes when one team reaches 11 points.
  • Scoring is permissible exclusively during your team’s serving turn.
  • Before serving, it’s important to vocally announce your current score.
  • Singles pickleball involves using a two-number scoring system.
  • Doubles employs a three-number scoring system.
  • Additionally, after scoring a point, you are required to switch to the opposite service court.

Pickleball Scoring Rules for Single and Double Scoring:

If you’re just starting out in the sport, understanding pickleball scoring might appear a bit confusing. Don’t worry, though! As you become familiar with the rules, you’ll notice that the game is actually logical and straightforward.

Pickleball doubles and pickleball singles are scored differently, so first let’s review doubles scoring (the most popular format) before diving into pickleball singles scoring.

Learn the Rules for Pickleball Double Scoring

Doubles Scoring Explained:

A team can only score points when it’s on the serving side. The team at the receiving end can not score points at that point in time. Players on the serving side keep playing until they commit a fault. It is a fault if the pickleball touches any part of the non-volley zone of the pickleball court on the serve, including the line if it is hit out of bounds if it does not clear the pickleball net if it is volleyed from the non-volley zone, or before it has bounced on either side.

Position of players for Doubles at the Start of the game

  • During serving, points can only be scored, at that point, the receiving sides cannot score.
  • Who serves first in pickleball?

At the beginning of the game, the player on the right side (even the court) serves to the diagonally opposite court.

  • In the event that a point is scored, the server shifts to the left (odd court) and serves to the court that is diagonally across from them.
  • Each time a point is scored, players on the serving side continue to move from right to left or left to right.
  • Unless a point is scored, serving team members do not switch sides. Never switch sides when receiving.
  • The serve is given to the second server on the team once the first server has finished serving and the serving team has lost a rally due to a fault.
  • The ball is turned over to the receiving team to start serving after the serving team commits its second fault while remaining in the same position. Throughout the entire game, the player to the right of the net serves first.

Rules of Pickleball: Calling the score:

  • Pickleball scores should be called three numbers while playing doubles.
  • The proper sequence for calling the score is server score, receiver score, and for double only server number: 1 or 2.
  • When the Pickleball match starts, the score will be called, 0-0-2. This means that the other team gets to serve as soon as the serving team makes a mistake.
  • 1 or 2 servers are applicable for that service turn alone. Depending on the score, the initial server for that service team alone is whoever is on the right side when the team receives the serve back.
  • The other play on the right may be the initial server for only that service turn the next time the team receives the serve back. When learning a new game, beginners frequently believe that the player’s server number remains the same throughout the game, This is not true.
  • To minimize the advantage of being the first team to serve in the game, there is a first-server exemption. On the game’s first service turn, just one player—the one on the right—gets to serve. 
  • When a player loses a serve, the serve moves to the receiving team, hence that person is referred to as the second service. The signal to begin should be “0-0-2.” When the serve is unsuccessful, it advances to the receiving team because the two denote the second server. The player who served first in the match must be on the right or even side of the pickleball court when a team’s score is even, and on the left or odd side of the court when the score is odd.

How to Call the Score in Pickleball (Doubles)

The person serving always announces the score with three numbers.

  • First number: serving team score
  • Second number: receiving team score
  • Third number: server number (either 1 or 2)

Rules for Pickleball Singles Scoring Explained:

  • Since there is no second server, singles scoring is quite similar to doubles scoring.
  • When the server’s score is even, the serve is always made from the right side; when the server’s score is odd, it is always made from the left side.
  • The serving position is determined by the server’s score, not the receiver’s. Depending on the server’s score, the receiver lines up to the right or left.
  • The server score and receiver score are the only names for the score.

How to Call the Score in Pickleball (Singles)

Playing pickleball singles? When there are only two numbers, the score is still called by the person serving.

  • First number: serving team score
  • Second number: receiving team score

What happens when the wrong score is called in Pickleball?

On the pickleball court, the server or referee could occasionally call a wrong score. Any player on the pickleball court has the right to halt play and request that the correct score be announced before the third shot of the rally is taken if the server (or referee) calls the incorrect score.

  • The server (or referee) will re-call the proper score and re-serve the pickleball with no penalty if play is interrupted before the third shot of the rally is struck and the score is called wrongly.
  • But if a pickleball player on the court stops playing after the third shot of the rally is made, that player will have made a mistake and will lose the rally. In other words, you must argue the problem of the incorrect score being called before the third shot of the rally is fired in order to bring up the matter of the incorrect score being called after the third shot.
  • In addition, if play is stopped after the score has been announced, but the score was accurately announced, the player who stopped playing to contest or dispute the score would have broken the rules and lost the rally. Any player’s declaration to the referee that the score is inaccurate constitutes stopping play. Such as, “Referee, we have 10, not 9.”

For more information on pickleball equipment, you can check out the article: Top 5 Best Affordable Pickleball Paddles In 2023.


In conclusion, understanding the scoring rules of pickleball, whether for singles or doubles, may initially seem complex, but with practice, it becomes intuitive. Doubles and singles have distinct scoring systems, and players must stick to specific rules for calling scores and serving positions. Additionally, the importance of correct score announcements cannot be overstated, as errors in score calls can impact the outcome of the game. However, with diligence and coherence to these rules, players can enjoy this exciting sport and strive for victory with confidence. For more

 How does Pickleball Scoring Work? Video

 How does Pickleball Scoring Work?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How Are Pickleball Points Scored?
    Now serving from the left service court is the first server. Until they lose a rally, the serving team will continue switching places.
  • How Many Points Do You Need to Win in Pickleball?
    In a standard game or normal game, you need 11 points to win in pickleball, just like badminton and table tennis.
  • Why are there 3 scores in pickleball?
    The score in doubles pickleball is composed of three numbers, such as 0-0-2. The serving team’s score is indicated by the first number. The receiving team’s score is indicated by the second number. The server number, either server #1 or server #2, is represented by the third number.
  • How Many Points Must You Win in Pickleball?
    Pickleball requires a two-point margin for victory. As a result, if you reach a score of 10–10, someone will need to win by at least two points (12–10).
  • How many servers are allowed in pickleball?
    The Doubles First Side to Serve In pickleball, there is only one serve, followed by two servers for each side. Except for the team that serves to open the match, each team in doubles pickleball will receive two serves, one for each partner. There will only be one serve returned to the team that serves to begin the game.
  • What is a fault in pickleball?
    1) Any action that stops play due to a rule infraction is considered a fault.
    2) The serving team scores a point when the receiving team commits an error.
    3) The server loses the serve or is side out as a result of an error by the serving team. • A serve that lands outside the boundaries of the receiving court constitutes a fault.

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